English Prescribed Books:- 1) Britannica Learning- The English Channel (BL). 2) Essentials of English Grammar and composition (EGC). 3) Little Women (Long Reading Text – LRT)
Maths textbook Prescribed:- Mathematics Textbook for Class VI N.C.E.R.T.
हिन्दी पाठ्य पुस्तकें:- वसंत भाग 1, नूतन कथा कलिका भाग 6 व हिन्दी व्याकरण सुधा भाग 6
Science Prescribed Books:- 1) Physics. 2) Biology
S. St. Prescribed Books:- History, Civics and Geography.
Class 7th :-
English Prescribed Books:- 1) Britannica Learning- The English Channel (BL). 2) Essentials of English Grammar and composition (EGC). 3) Oliver Twist – Charles Dickens
Maths textbook Prescribed:- Mathematics Textbook for Class VII ( N.C.E.R.T.)
हिन्दी पाठ्य पुस्तकें:- वसंत भाग 2, नूतन कथा कलिका भाग 7 व हिन्दी व्याकरण सुधा भाग 7
Science Prescribed Books:- 1) Physics. 2) Biology
S. St. Prescribed Books:- History, Civics and Geography.
Class 8th :-
English Prescribed Books:- 1) Britannica Learning- The English Channel (BL). 2) Essentials of English Grammar and composition (EGC). 3) Best of Tagore (Long Reading Text – LRT)
Maths textbook Prescribed:- Mathematics Textbook for Class VIII (N.C.E.R.T.)
हिन्दी पाठ्य पुस्तकें:- वसंत भाग 3, नूतन कथा कलिका भाग 8 व हिन्दी व्याकरण सुधा भाग 8
Science Prescribed Books:- Science Textbook of Class IX (NCERT) 1) Physics. 2) Biology 3) Chemistry
S. St. Prescribed Books:- History Book (India and Contemporary World – I) , Political Science (Democratic Politics – I), Economics and Geography Book (Contemporary India-Part I) (NCERT)
Class 10th :-
English Prescribed Books:- 1) Text book – First Flight (NCERT). 2) Footprint Without Feet (NCERT)
Maths textbook Prescribed:- Mathematics Textbook for Class X (N.C.E.R.T.)